Displaying scores for ashe. If you're looking for your own scores, some may be under different names (or some of the current results might be from other people that chose the same name as you) - you might try looking up all plays from your IP address instead.

ashe has spent 0 hours, 1 minutes, and 37 seconds playing Snake Jump.

Scores for ashe

asheUnranked60002016-02-07 23:29:18Watch Replay
asheUnranked37532016-02-07 23:29:09Watch Replay
asheUnranked29592016-02-07 23:27:57Watch Replay
asheUnranked125532016-02-07 23:27:45Watch Replay
asheUnranked5762016-02-07 23:27:21Watch Replay
asheUnranked53082016-02-07 23:27:15Watch Replay
asheUnranked40902016-02-07 23:27:01Watch Replay
asheUnranked13182016-02-07 23:26:48Watch Replay
asheUnranked60682016-02-07 23:26:30Watch Replay

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